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Home 9 2019 9 Merieux Nutriscience George

Client Name

Merieux Nutriscience George

Project Value


Project Completion



Design, Documentation, Construction

Project Description

The Merieux Nutriscience Building is situated in George, Western Cape province. The building consists of 2 floors. The ground floor is made up of laboratories and the first floor of offices and boardrooms.

The project scope included the upgrading of the HVAC system to a constant air volume system for fresh air and a DX system for the air-conditioning installation.

The HVAC installation consists of DX cassette and high wall units for all offices.

The project scope also included making the building fire safety compliant. The fire installations included hose reels, fire extinguishers, signage, and fire water piping.

A fire detection system was installed as a design and supply project.

Unique Features and Challenges

  • Designing for an exis􀆟ng building